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Sunday, May 2, 2010

White Gold vs Yellow Gold


Arini nak share sket pasal white gold vs. yellow gold. Sebenarnya dlm dilema, which one is the best??!
With the naked eye, of course i will choose the white gold. The combination of white gold with the diamond. SUPERB! From the survey, i noted that, the value of the White Gold will be devalue if we one to trade in, in the future. My opinion, this is not an option. Who one to sell wedding ring and enggagement ring? Sayaanggggg sgt!

Asking my MR R, when he looks my difficulties in this decision, he said " Naper??, Ada hati nak jual ke ring ni in future?" hahhahahaaa. Betol gak eh...

Conclusion, amik la 1 ring of white gold plus 1 ring of yellow gold. Abis citer...

White Gold nie dah jadi trend gurl zaman skrg. Cause, gabungan Diomond with the white gold bangkit kat kilauan nye. Another thing, Staff Poh Kong and Tomei, ada cakap, emas kuning yg high value such as 999 and 916, x dapat ikat diomond. So, u all pikir la sendiri. Kalau pakai emas yg xda value sama gak nak trade in tak laku kan.

So, dalam pemilihan ini, tepuk dada tanya la selera.
Biar la ia bermakna nak menjadi simbol yg amat bermakna kasih daripada Si Suami kepada Si isteri yg tercinta........

Renung2 kan...heheheeee
ps: Update as per today: yellow gold price RM133.00 per gram =)


  1. wowwww..nice pictur you come out with rusniz

  2. hurmmm...that why i ask u to see the blog.
    hahahhaha.. U like it?
    i think its so nice! i loikkket vm!
